About me
I am an associate professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Connecticut. I'm a co-director of the Connecticut Advanced Computing Center.
Prior to joining UConn I was a cryptographic researcher building secure systems at MIT Lincoln Laboratory from 2007-2016 in the Secure, Resilient Systems and Technology Group. I completed my Ph.D. at Boston University. While at BU I contributed to the BUSEC group. You can follow me on twitter at @fuzzycrypto
My primary research area is cryptography spanning from complexity/reduction-based cryptography, information theory, and applied cryptography necessary to deploy systems. Ideally, I'm able to take a real problem, develop a theoretically sound approach, and work with others to implement a proof of concept.
The CSE and ECE departments jointly organize a security seminar. Please contact me to join the mailing list. We're always looking for exciting speakers.
I also work with UConn's cyber security club. I encourage interested students to attend a meeting or talk to me about possible problems in cyber security.
I keep my CV up to date and I try and include all updates on this site as well. My google scholar page is also a good reference for my research.
Office Hours
I am in the office most days and hold advising hours 11am on Fridays (schedule through nexus.uconn.edu).
Twitter feed
Simons is doing a bootcamp and program on obfuscation, proof systems, and secure computation:
Does anyone on the @USENIXSecurity PC know how we’re supposed to respond to questions? Comments are turned off on submissions.
UConn was super happy to host New England Security Day 2024 last Friday. For those that weren't able to make it we've uploaded all the videos from our 15 talks via @YouTube
New England Security Day 2024
CACC Hosted New England Security Day on March 15. More information on the program and participants is available he...
We have a preliminary program for New England Security Day with 15 talks and 9 posters. Talks across the spectrum: cryptography, systems, ML, usability, privacy and more. Come visit @UConn on March 15: https://cacc.engr.uconn.edu/nesd2024-engr-home/
@UConn We're also cheating a little bit while we have talks from UMass (Amherst and Lowell), UConn, Brown, NEU, and BU we also have talks from Florida, NIST, Intel, Greece, Scotland, Germany, and Stony Brook
Contact Me
Phone: 6-2122
Email: first.last@uconn.edu
371 Fairfield Way
Unit 4155
Storrs, CT 06269
ITE 243